Post any helpful and relevant websites/videos/activities that you find here :)
Those of you who are proud of your Red Blood Cell Project (which you should ALL be), then you may post it HERE. Remember, you never know when posting might bee-nefit your grade! Just click 'add comment' and follow the directions below:

*If you wrote out a story then, just copy and paste it into the comment box. 

*If you made a Prezi, google doc, or other form of presentation, copy the address link of your presentation and paste it in the comment box. It will not show up as a 'hyperlink' that can be clicked on to open however, your classmates will be able to copy and paste the link into a search engine to find it. 

*If you created a Powerpoint, let me know that you would like your project posted and I can do that! 

Class, the purpose of this board is to provide you all with the opportunity to share your projects and ideas as well as any websites or videos/songs that you think could be helpful in studying the material that we are covering in class. Posting such items to this blog could definitely 'bee' good for your grade :) To post all you have to do is make a "comment" to the subject appropriate blog.